
坏了英文 我的车坏了英文

世界动态   编辑:


Ill deeds cannot honour.


#我们一起学英语# #每日英语# #英语#

有同学问:bad和badly 有何区别?

1.bad形容词,“坏的;差的”,That is a bad guy那是一个坏蛋 My English is bad我英语差

2.badly副词,“差地;严重地;非常地”例如:He treated the dog badly他对那只狗不好 He was badly hurt他受伤很严重 I want to learn English well so badly我非常想学好英语

If you never taste a bad apple you will never appreciate a good one. You have to experience life to understand life.


#学英语:语言文化之旅# #男人心情日记#







Is it reasonable that things will turn against each other when they are extreme?

Will things go bad in the end, and then fall down? A blessing in disguise, will there be no blessing in return?

People always hope that things can take a turn and find hope in despair. Is this just a psychic solace or is it really useful?

In fact, it is reasonable to say that things turn against each other when they are extreme. Because things are always opposite and unified, and are constantly developing and changing, when there is no way to go from one end to the other, there will always be a new way.

Things are always developing and changing. Change is opportunity. When things can't get any worse, as long as there is no death, then there will be a turnaround.

#学英语:语言文化之旅# #英语#





isn’t working

out of order


1. broken


-The cups are broken. The door is broken. 


2. isn’t working

如果是某件电子产品,但是是你个人的物品,比如你的手机、笔记本电脑、电视机等,个人的电子产品,我们可以选择"isn’t working”。

-My laptop isn’t working. 


3. out of order

如果是公共物品,比如电梯、公厕之类的,就可以使用“out of order”来表示。

-Don't use this elevator. It's out of order. 



By the way,预告一下,明天我们专门说一下“手机坏了”,几种地道的俚语说法哦,骨朵白,明天见~




“It went too far.”


A Why is he so upset? It’s just a bit of fun!

B You just don’t understand that your pranks can go too far.

A 他在气什么?不过是玩玩嘛。

B 你都不知道你的玩笑会开过火。

too far 的中文是太远的意思,其实就和中文的“超过”有异曲同工之妙,都是指过了某条界线,以致于让人抓狂。会说出这句话,表示事态已经到了非常严重的地步了!


“Knock it off!”


A Knock it off! I have an exam tomorrow.

B She started it.

A 别闹了!我明天还要考试。

B 都是她害的。

knock 意思是“敲、打”,off意思是“切断、走开”,knock off 字面意思是敲打某人或者某事,使其停止、中断。这是一句美国常用俚语,有让某人停止做某事的意思,语气强烈时有“住嘴、少来这一套”的意思。

“You’re making a scene.”


A You’re breaking up with me?! In a restaurant?!

B Lower your voice. Don’t make a scene.

A 你要跟我分手?!在餐厅里?!

B 小声一点。别打扰别人。

scene 指电影或戏剧中的“景、一幕”,而 make a scene 表示正在让自己变成剧场主角,受到注意。不过这个“场景”其实多指在公众场合吵架或破口大骂的情景,大家都在等着看这出戏里的一幕呢。

“Don’t pass the buck.”


A I thought you had extra batteries with you!

B Don't try to pass the buck! You were supposed to bring your own cell. Now we can’t even call for rescue.

A 我原以为你带了备用电池啊!

B 别推卸责任!你自己应该要带手机的。现在我们连打电话求救都没办法了。

十九世纪一种纸牌游戏,当轮到某个人负责发牌时,buck(鹿角手柄的刀)就会被转交给这个人。后来 pass the buck 成为一种纸牌术语,它的意思是“把发牌权转交给某人”。后来就演变成“把责任推给另一个人”。

“He made a queue jumping.”


A Many people try to jump the queue for the tickets.

B This is bad manners.

A 许多人都企图插队买票。

B 这是不礼貌的行为。

queue 指的是“队伍”的意思,jump 则是“跳跃”,jump the queue 指的就是插队。同义可说 cut the line(切进队伍里),也是插队之意,不过 jump the queue 通常是指有人非常无礼地乱插队时。


“He stole my thunder.”


A What's up with you and Kevin?

B As I held the megaphone and invite the people at the party to my new yacht, he stole my thunder by proposing to Cassie in front of everybody.

A 你在跟凯文闹什么脾气?

B 我拿了扩音器邀请派对上的人来我的新游艇的时候,他竟然就向凯茜求婚!整个抢了我的风头。

英国戏剧家 John Dennis 写了一部不红的烂戏,但他在该剧中用振动锡片来模仿打雷,成效很好。后来剧院演莎士比亚名剧时,用此技术而大获好评。他控诉:“See how the rascals use me! They will not let my play run, and yet they steal my thunder.”(看这些小人们是怎样利用我的!他们不演我的戏剧,却偷我雷声。)

#我的生活日记# #每天打卡背单词#

Break a habit.


*英文释义:To stop doing a routine action or activity; to stop doing something that you do regularly, something that you should not do, especially something bad or harmful.


1. Interrupting others is annoying, you'd better try to break the habit. 打断别人很烦人,你最好改掉这个习惯。

2. Breaking bad habits can be difficult because a great deal of willpower is required. 戒除恶习很难,因为需要很大的意志力才行。

3. It's always not easy to break a habit you've had for a long time. 打破一个你已经有很长时间的习惯总是不容易的。

4. Do you know it takes 28 days to break a habit? 你知道改掉一个习惯需要28天吗?

5. I've been trying hard to break my habit of compulsive shopping lately, but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. 我最近非常努力想改掉强迫购物的坏习惯,但这比我想象的要困难得多。

6. To develop a good habit is hard, but to break a bad habit may be even harder. 养成一个好习惯很难,但是改掉一个坏习惯可能更难。


也可作:give up a habit, drop a habit, shake a habit 或 kick the habit.

[微风]Kick the habit.

To overcome an addiction, typically to drugs; or give up habitual use, especially of narcotics.

This idiom uses "kick" in the sense of "get rid of."


1. It took gum, patches, and counseling, but I've finally kicked the habit—no more cigarettes.

2. Unfortunately, the nature of addiction means that kicking the habit isn't as simple as just wanting to stop.

3. I still smoke, I just can’t kick the habit.


We all had a great time at Lake Powell today, but right now I’m completely pooped.


